dilluns, 14 de març del 2016

The Knifes About CS:GO (Game) My world

Knifes On Counter Strike

Today I wont to explain and show you the prices about the knifes on this games, the prices about this is really incredible and expensive.
You will be thinking "As max will cost 50€ - 100€" NO, the prices about this knifes is this:

The knifes cost less its 50€!
And normal knifes cost 150€ - 200€!

But there are a special knifes have a little feature than change the price and up to 2.000 € or more. You can get a lot of money with the knifes, if you are a good player you can sell it for real money, a lor of person it's working selling knifes

Now I show you 2 knifes one cost 200€ and the same knife with more blue (Change featured) cost 7,500€ 

This game have more weapons with a very expensive price the knife is not the only expensive in this game.

This sniper cost about + than 10.000€ This is so expensive becasue only exist a 2-5 snipers with the gold stikers!

And this is all I hope you stay crazy with the price.

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