dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015

Animal in me

My animal in me is the Mouse.

At the beginning i'm disagree than i'm a Mouse but i read more about mouse and i saw the mouse is physicalli small and emotionally but i read he have a little respect for the people and i have a lot of respect, but i'm not agree with this but the rest i'm agree!

On my hobbies i'm disaggre, my hobbies are Customer service, librarian, shopkeeper, board games, colleting... i don't like any of this hobbies.

The mouse are organized, and need a good place for work, neat and well and they take a great care to ensure. I'm not nothing i dont organized and i don't need a good place , and i lose a lot of objects.

Intelligent Test

Intelligent Test

I agree with my test because i'm not good at anything but in interpersonal i'm good
I hate linguístic because i study and don't approve...And in the test the linguístic is a less of all.
At the kinaesthetic in the test i have low but i like the sport and i disaagre on this.
I disaagre on logic because i'm rally like maths they cost me but i like.
On Music i agree because i don't like music.
On the visual i'm really really bad and i agree with test.

Career Chart

The career i can do is: marketing specialist, social worker, forest ranger.

dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2015

My hero

My Hero

My hero is Kaneki ken, is a character from anime calls Tokyo Ghoul.
Kaneki falls in love but he don't know, the girld he love is a Ghoul and she want to eat him, Kaneki was near to die and the cirurgian transfer the organs of the girld to man, then Kaneki is now half ghoul.
Kaneki found more ghouls and made friends, the police want to catch all the ghouls and kaneki do more strongh for protect his friends.
Kaneki suffered torture and after trorture he do more strong  and save her friends.
I admaier Kaneki because que suffered a lor for save her friends.