My dream is get 100.000 suscribers on Youtube.
First of all for me YouTube is a hobby. ( I have 64 videos more or less)
I think my dream is possible but it is a question of a long time, and people like your videos.
Althoug this is difficult to grow because are more good channels then you, and persons want a quality and good editing.
Will dedicate some time to edit the videos but depending the video i need more or less time, but normally i slow 1 hour minimum.
And you also need the suscribers promotion you channel and speak well of your channel for get more suscribers and i think this is all only need time and lucky for grow.
One video of my channel:
dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2015
Is my dream posible?
divendres, 25 de setembre del 2015
Hi!, this is my biography:
My name is Carles Roca, i have 16 years old. I was born on Agust 21 in Matlleu.
My parents are Carlos Roca and Maite Molas, my parents had my when they have 23 and 24 years were quite young.
Currently i study at the institute in 4 Eso, in the institute i have a lot of friends, i have one brother, he have 12 years old and when i'm bored i hit him.
Currently i have not thought of anything to do in the future but if i had to study now, computer is the few things i like, And i like listening electronic music and i hate reggeton for me is the worst music i don't like go to school, but in institute i see my friends.
And finally i like to play computer games and watch Anime
This is my Biography!
My name is Carles Roca, i have 16 years old. I was born on Agust 21 in Matlleu.
My parents are Carlos Roca and Maite Molas, my parents had my when they have 23 and 24 years were quite young.
Currently i study at the institute in 4 Eso, in the institute i have a lot of friends, i have one brother, he have 12 years old and when i'm bored i hit him.
Currently i have not thought of anything to do in the future but if i had to study now, computer is the few things i like, And i like listening electronic music and i hate reggeton for me is the worst music i don't like go to school, but in institute i see my friends.
And finally i like to play computer games and watch Anime
This is my Biography!
dilluns, 14 de setembre del 2015
Bucket List
This is my bucket list:
Create a game

Go to tomorrowland

Go to tokyo

Adopt a dog

Go to America

Archieve a gamer computer

Build my house

Having a servant named !Halfonso!

Get 100.000 suscribers on YouTube

Work out what i like

Create a game

Go to tomorrowland

Go to tokyo

Adopt a dog

Go to America

Archieve a gamer computer

Build my house

Having a servant named !Halfonso!

Get 100.000 suscribers on YouTube
Work out what i like

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