That day i sensed that sommething was going to happen.
As every dar, I got up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went to work.
That day seemed to em longer than usual, but I did not care because my vacation began at 5p.m
When I got hombe I found a very elegant and serious mman who was waiting. He camme and asked for mme. We went in a gave me surprising news?
I had inherited a million euros. As he was telling me, my desire to jump was increasing. As he spoke. I was thinking about everything I wanted to do.
What started as a normmal day ended as a special day.
dijous, 3 de desembre del 2015
An Unexpected visitor
dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2015
The Walking Dead My world
The Walking dead tell how Rick native of American and police he wake up of the coma and he find the world has been destroyed and nobodies, and the corpses are walking.
Before this Rick go out the hospital and wont to search hes family, but he don't find because all the persons is dead, but he find a group of people, and he will join to this group, in the course of history he join a lot of group but usually stay with the same persons and he want to search the cure and survive.
Before this Rick go out the hospital and wont to search hes family, but he don't find because all the persons is dead, but he find a group of people, and he will join to this group, in the course of history he join a lot of group but usually stay with the same persons and he want to search the cure and survive.
The series is based on a comic book created by Robert Kirkman.
I like this serie because it is about zombies and is entertaining and they had a lot of weapons, has so many seasons etc..
1 Who's the director of this movie Pyscho? The film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, Jhon Gavin, and Janet Leigh. The screenplay by Joseph Stefano was based on the 1959 novel of the same name by Robert Bloch.
2 What the type of characters did he often use in horror films? The most importants types is:
Female Victim, Non-Believer, Hero, Hysterical Charecter, Evil Character, Loved up couple
3 What technique did he use with the camera? The camera should take on human qualities and roam around playfully looking for something suspicious in a room. This allows the audience to feel like they are involved in uncovering the story. Scenes can often begin by panning a room showing close-ups of objects that explain plot elements.
1 Who's the director of this movie Pyscho? The film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, Jhon Gavin, and Janet Leigh. The screenplay by Joseph Stefano was based on the 1959 novel of the same name by Robert Bloch.
2 What the type of characters did he often use in horror films? The most importants types is:
Female Victim, Non-Believer, Hero, Hysterical Charecter, Evil Character, Loved up couple
News in level
Man drives into the ocean
One thief was persecute for police in Australia and the thief chose an one unusual way to escape, the thief saw a one beach and he decide to enter, and What happened you are asking. The police cach him.
3 Words
Alleged (so-called by some people)
Deflate (to let the gas inside come out )
Tyre (a thick rubber ring that fits around the wheel of a car)
dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015
The Gothic Novel
The Gothic Novel
1 Who invented the G.N? The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horacle Walpone.
2 Who was the first G.N? The Castle of Orancle
3 When was it first published? 1764
4 Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list? Shadows Romance Night Smoke Forest Dead Tree Fog Scare crow Old house Lighting bolts Murder Candle Music Seed of evil Noise She is believe Creepy sounds Cart Horse Cemetery Swordman Reason The Witch Gun Scares Well Dead people Black and White maigic. Pumpkins Tomb Head Toys Clowns Blood A girld Mystery Skulls Armor Investigator Decapitait Slaim Kill Devil eye Spell
1 Who invented the G.N? The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horacle Walpone.
2 Who was the first G.N? The Castle of Orancle
3 When was it first published? 1764
4 Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list? Shadows Romance Night Smoke Forest Dead Tree Fog Scare crow Old house Lighting bolts Murder Candle Music Seed of evil Noise She is believe Creepy sounds Cart Horse Cemetery Swordman Reason The Witch Gun Scares Well Dead people Black and White maigic. Pumpkins Tomb Head Toys Clowns Blood A girld Mystery Skulls Armor Investigator Decapitait Slaim Kill Devil eye Spell
Comic Relief
What is the comic relief? Comic relief usually means a releasing of emotional or other tension
resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of serious or
tragic elements in a drama.
Why is it often used in horror films? Sometimes comic relief characters will appear in fiction that is comic often takes the form of a incompetent , jokes, sidekick of the hero or villain in a work of fiction.
A sidekick used for comic relief will usually comment on the absurdity of the hero situation and make comments that would be inappropriate for a character who is to be taken seriously.
Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example? Yes, Scary movie
Why is it often used in horror films? Sometimes comic relief characters will appear in fiction that is comic often takes the form of a incompetent , jokes, sidekick of the hero or villain in a work of fiction.
A sidekick used for comic relief will usually comment on the absurdity of the hero situation and make comments that would be inappropriate for a character who is to be taken seriously.
Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example? Yes, Scary movie
dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015
Animal in me
My animal in me is the Mouse.
At the beginning i'm disagree than i'm a Mouse but i read more about mouse and i saw the mouse is physicalli small and emotionally but i read he have a little respect for the people and i have a lot of respect, but i'm not agree with this but the rest i'm agree!
On my hobbies i'm disaggre, my hobbies are Customer service, librarian, shopkeeper, board games, colleting... i don't like any of this hobbies.
The mouse are organized, and need a good place for work, neat and well and they take a great care to ensure. I'm not nothing i dont organized and i don't need a good place , and i lose a lot of objects.

At the beginning i'm disagree than i'm a Mouse but i read more about mouse and i saw the mouse is physicalli small and emotionally but i read he have a little respect for the people and i have a lot of respect, but i'm not agree with this but the rest i'm agree!
On my hobbies i'm disaggre, my hobbies are Customer service, librarian, shopkeeper, board games, colleting... i don't like any of this hobbies.
The mouse are organized, and need a good place for work, neat and well and they take a great care to ensure. I'm not nothing i dont organized and i don't need a good place , and i lose a lot of objects.

Intelligent Test
Intelligent Test
I agree with my test because i'm not good at anything but in interpersonal i'm good
I hate linguístic because i study and don't approve...And in the test the linguístic is a less of all.
At the kinaesthetic in the test i have low but i like the sport and i disaagre on this.
I disaagre on logic because i'm rally like maths they cost me but i like.
On Music i agree because i don't like music.
On the visual i'm really really bad and i agree with test.
Career Chart
The career i can do is: marketing specialist, social worker, forest ranger.
dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2015
My hero
My Hero
My hero is Kaneki ken, is a character from anime calls Tokyo Ghoul.
Kaneki falls in love but he don't know, the girld he love is a Ghoul and she want to eat him, Kaneki was near to die and the cirurgian transfer the organs of the girld to man, then Kaneki is now half ghoul.
Kaneki found more ghouls and made friends, the police want to catch all the ghouls and kaneki do more strongh for protect his friends.
Kaneki suffered torture and after trorture he do more strong and save her friends.
I admaier Kaneki because que suffered a lor for save her friends.

dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2015
Is my dream posible?
My dream is get 100.000 suscribers on Youtube.
First of all for me YouTube is a hobby. ( I have 64 videos more or less)
I think my dream is possible but it is a question of a long time, and people like your videos.
Althoug this is difficult to grow because are more good channels then you, and persons want a quality and good editing.
Will dedicate some time to edit the videos but depending the video i need more or less time, but normally i slow 1 hour minimum.
And you also need the suscribers promotion you channel and speak well of your channel for get more suscribers and i think this is all only need time and lucky for grow.
One video of my channel:
First of all for me YouTube is a hobby. ( I have 64 videos more or less)
I think my dream is possible but it is a question of a long time, and people like your videos.
Althoug this is difficult to grow because are more good channels then you, and persons want a quality and good editing.
Will dedicate some time to edit the videos but depending the video i need more or less time, but normally i slow 1 hour minimum.
And you also need the suscribers promotion you channel and speak well of your channel for get more suscribers and i think this is all only need time and lucky for grow.
One video of my channel:
divendres, 25 de setembre del 2015
Hi!, this is my biography:
My name is Carles Roca, i have 16 years old. I was born on Agust 21 in Matlleu.
My parents are Carlos Roca and Maite Molas, my parents had my when they have 23 and 24 years were quite young.
Currently i study at the institute in 4 Eso, in the institute i have a lot of friends, i have one brother, he have 12 years old and when i'm bored i hit him.
Currently i have not thought of anything to do in the future but if i had to study now, computer is the few things i like, And i like listening electronic music and i hate reggeton for me is the worst music i don't like go to school, but in institute i see my friends.
And finally i like to play computer games and watch Anime
This is my Biography!
My name is Carles Roca, i have 16 years old. I was born on Agust 21 in Matlleu.
My parents are Carlos Roca and Maite Molas, my parents had my when they have 23 and 24 years were quite young.
Currently i study at the institute in 4 Eso, in the institute i have a lot of friends, i have one brother, he have 12 years old and when i'm bored i hit him.
Currently i have not thought of anything to do in the future but if i had to study now, computer is the few things i like, And i like listening electronic music and i hate reggeton for me is the worst music i don't like go to school, but in institute i see my friends.
And finally i like to play computer games and watch Anime
This is my Biography!
dilluns, 14 de setembre del 2015
Bucket List
This is my bucket list:
Create a game

Go to tomorrowland

Go to tokyo

Adopt a dog

Go to America

Archieve a gamer computer

Build my house

Having a servant named !Halfonso!

Get 100.000 suscribers on YouTube

Work out what i like

Create a game

Go to tomorrowland

Go to tokyo

Adopt a dog

Go to America

Archieve a gamer computer

Build my house

Having a servant named !Halfonso!

Get 100.000 suscribers on YouTube
Work out what i like

Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)